Discover a curated list of MFA programs that offer partial to full funding, ensuring you can focus on your artistic development without the burden of financial stress. Explore opportunities to advance your education with the support you need.
Alfred University (Alfred, NY)
Each accepted MFA candidate receives full-tuition funding and a financial stipend, either as a teaching assistant or an intern within the School of Art and Design program.
University of California (Berkeley, CA)
All enrolled MFA students receive financial support equivalent to in-state tuition for both years of their MFA studies. Students also receive moderate materials grants for their studio practices.
All enrolled MFA students receive financial support equivalent to in-state tuition for both years of their MFA studies. Students also receive moderate materials grants for their studio practices.
University of California (Los Angeles, CA)
In 2020-21, all enrolled MFA students received merit-based support, with an average combined award totaling over $30,000 per student. Merit-based support includes fellowships, assistantships, and departmental awards, while need-based assistance is available for those who qualify.
In 2020-21, all enrolled MFA students received merit-based support, with an average combined award totaling over $30,000 per student. Merit-based support includes fellowships, assistantships, and departmental awards, while need-based assistance is available for those who qualify.
University of California (Davis, CA)
The Art Studio MFA is a two-year, well-funded, critically engaged graduate program. It offers substantial financial support through paid Teaching Assistant positions each quarter and through Art Studio Program Fellowships, made possible by generous private endowments.
The Art Studio MFA is a two-year, well-funded, critically engaged graduate program. It offers substantial financial support through paid Teaching Assistant positions each quarter and through Art Studio Program Fellowships, made possible by generous private endowments.
Carnegie Mellon (Pittsburgh, PA)
The MFA program provides generous financial support to all graduate students, regardless of background or citizenship status. Each admitted student receives full tuition funding and access to numerous grants supporting research, travel, production costs, and opportunities for cross-university collaboration.
The MFA program provides generous financial support to all graduate students, regardless of background or citizenship status. Each admitted student receives full tuition funding and access to numerous grants supporting research, travel, production costs, and opportunities for cross-university collaboration.
University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)
UConn’s MFA in Art supports art making across a broad range of studio media with internationally recognized faculty, generous financial support, and new graduate studios. Five highly qualified applicants are admitted each year and offered renewable merit-based graduate teaching or research assistantships.
UConn’s MFA in Art supports art making across a broad range of studio media with internationally recognized faculty, generous financial support, and new graduate studios. Five highly qualified applicants are admitted each year and offered renewable merit-based graduate teaching or research assistantships.
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)
Cornell's MFA in Creative Visual Arts supports interdisciplinary art making, offering partial tuition support, Graduate Assistantships, and stipends to all MFA Creative Visual Arts students.
Cornell's MFA in Creative Visual Arts supports interdisciplinary art making, offering partial tuition support, Graduate Assistantships, and stipends to all MFA Creative Visual Arts students.
University of Georgia (Athens, GA)
All full-time students of the three-year MFA program are fully funded. Applicants are automatically considered for departmental assistantships. Additional funding is available from various sources to offset the cost of materials and travel related to graduate research.
All full-time students of the three-year MFA program are fully funded. Applicants are automatically considered for departmental assistantships. Additional funding is available from various sources to offset the cost of materials and travel related to graduate research.
Indiana University (Bloomington, IN)
Student Academic Appointments (SAA) are a primary funding source for many MFA students, integrating them into the university’s teaching and research missions. These positions offer approximately $15,750, paid over a 10-month period.
Student Academic Appointments (SAA) are a primary funding source for many MFA students, integrating them into the university’s teaching and research missions. These positions offer approximately $15,750, paid over a 10-month period.
University of Maryland (College Park, MD)
Most candidates in the MFA programs gain teaching experience through departmental graduate assistantships, which include tuition remission and a stipend. These assistantships are awarded competitively, and numerous fellowships and awards are available for incoming and continuing MFA candidates.
Most candidates in the MFA programs gain teaching experience through departmental graduate assistantships, which include tuition remission and a stipend. These assistantships are awarded competitively, and numerous fellowships and awards are available for incoming and continuing MFA candidates.
University of Massachusetts Amherst (Amherst, MA)
The UMass Amherst MFA program awards teaching assistantships that cover the full cost of tuition for most graduate students. Additionally, all graduate students receive shared studio space in their first year and single studios for their final two years.
The UMass Amherst MFA program awards teaching assistantships that cover the full cost of tuition for most graduate students. Additionally, all graduate students receive shared studio space in their first year and single studios for their final two years.
Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI)
All graduate students are fully funded through teaching or research assistantships and fellowships. These assistantships offer tuition waivers and health insurance. The MFA program provides full-tuition waivers covering ten credits per semester and sixty credits over three years.
All graduate students are fully funded through teaching or research assistantships and fellowships. These assistantships offer tuition waivers and health insurance. The MFA program provides full-tuition waivers covering ten credits per semester and sixty credits over three years.
University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill, NC)
Due to the small size of the MFA program, the Department of Art can fund a substantial percentage of graduate students through Graduate Assistantships and Teaching Assistantships.
Due to the small size of the MFA program, the Department of Art can fund a substantial percentage of graduate students through Graduate Assistantships and Teaching Assistantships.
Northwestern University (Evanston, IL)
This two-year graduate program offers an intense, critique-based experience that is fully funded for every student. Financial support comes in the form of Fellowships and Teaching Assistantships, including full tuition waivers, health care coverage, and yearly stipends up to $32,000.
This two-year graduate program offers an intense, critique-based experience that is fully funded for every student. Financial support comes in the form of Fellowships and Teaching Assistantships, including full tuition waivers, health care coverage, and yearly stipends up to $32,000.
Ohio State University (Columbus, OH)
Graduate and professional students at Ohio State have various funding options, including associateships, fellowships, loans, and scholarships.
Graduate and professional students at Ohio State have various funding options, including associateships, fellowships, loans, and scholarships.
University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
The Department of Art provides generous funding for MFA Candidates during their three years of study. All students in good standing receive free tuition through a combination of Graduate Employee Fellowship support and tuition remissions.
The Department of Art provides generous funding for MFA Candidates during their three years of study. All students in good standing receive free tuition through a combination of Graduate Employee Fellowship support and tuition remissions.
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (New Brunswick, NJ)
All accepted graduate students receive fellowships covering the cost of tuition for the two years of the program. The department also offers paid co-adjunct positions that students can apply for each semester.
All accepted graduate students receive fellowships covering the cost of tuition for the two years of the program. The department also offers paid co-adjunct positions that students can apply for each semester.
University of South Florida (Tampa, FL)
Every current graduate student in the School of Art & Art History receives a full tuition waiver plus either a scholarship or a graduate assistantship. All admitted applicants are automatically considered for departmental assistantships and fellowships, with amounts varying from $6,000 to $10,000 per year plus tuition waivers.
Every current graduate student in the School of Art & Art History receives a full tuition waiver plus either a scholarship or a graduate assistantship. All admitted applicants are automatically considered for departmental assistantships and fellowships, with amounts varying from $6,000 to $10,000 per year plus tuition waivers.
Southern Illinois University (Carbondale, IL)
Financial assistance is available to qualified students in all fields of study through Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships, Scholarships, and Federal Work-Study Programs.
Financial assistance is available to qualified students in all fields of study through Graduate Assistantships, Fellowships, Scholarships, and Federal Work-Study Programs.
Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX)
SMU offers up to six full fellowships each year, covering full tuition and all related fees, supplemented by teaching assistantships. Additional funds are available for materials and travel related to students’ creative research.
SMU offers up to six full fellowships each year, covering full tuition and all related fees, supplemented by teaching assistantships. Additional funds are available for materials and travel related to students’ creative research.
Stanford University (Stanford, CA)
Each Art Practice graduate student normally receives an aid package that includes tuition and stipend through a combination of fellowship funds and teaching assistantships, as well as small materials grants.
Each Art Practice graduate student normally receives an aid package that includes tuition and stipend through a combination of fellowship funds and teaching assistantships, as well as small materials grants.
Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX)
Graduate assistantships, offered annually to qualified candidates, include a full tuition waiver and a stipend. Graduate assistants are assigned studio space.
Graduate assistantships, offered annually to qualified candidates, include a full tuition waiver and a stipend. Graduate assistants are assigned studio space.
Tulane University (New Orleans, LA)
All MFA students receive full scholarships comprising a tuition waiver and an additional assistantship stipend. The tuition waiver covers the full cost of tuition for both years, and the stipend is divided into 20 bi-monthly payments each year.
All MFA students receive full scholarships comprising a tuition waiver and an additional assistantship stipend. The tuition waiver covers the full cost of tuition for both years, and the stipend is divided into 20 bi-monthly payments each year.
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Knoxville, TN)
Funding is available through graduate teaching assistantships with stipends and other graduate positions with tuition waivers. Summer fellowships and other scholarships are also available.
Funding is available through graduate teaching assistantships with stipends and other graduate positions with tuition waivers. Summer fellowships and other scholarships are also available.
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, WI)
UW-Madison offers a fully funded, three-year MFA in the studio art program. All entering students receive full tuition remission, generous monthly stipends, access to UW-Madison health benefits, and other annual funding opportunities, including options to teach undergraduate studio courses.
UW-Madison offers a fully funded, three-year MFA in the studio art program. All entering students receive full tuition remission, generous monthly stipends, access to UW-Madison health benefits, and other annual funding opportunities, including options to teach undergraduate studio courses.
ProFellow. (n.d.). Fully funded MFA in studio art and visual art.